

Interior and Exterior Painting

Completely customize your house with a personalized touch. We offer color consultations before we get into your home to make sure that everything is just right.


Wallpaper Removal and Application

Wallpaper can be a tricky task. Why not leave it up to us to make sure it done properly and efficiently!


Cabinet and Furniture Refinishing

Your cabinets are the showpiece of the kitchen and bath. They are also one of the most touched surfaces in your home. A little wear and tear is completely normal. We can refinish them with paint or a new stain color to make them look brand new.


Minor Drywall Repairs

If you had a leaky pipe, a small leak in your roof, have medium to large holes in your drywall from photographs or television mounts, we can complete the repairs or replace the drywall. we will finish it off by patching, sanding and prepping the wall for your new paint color.


Wood and Concrete Staining

Your wood and concrete surfaces are prone to wear and tear over the years. Getting them stained and updated can rejuvenate and make your surfaces stay fresh for longer.


Power Washing

Over the years, grime and mold can build up on the exterior of your house and or deck. Power washing is an effective way to remove mold, oil, old paint from surfaces so new paint absorbs into the surfaces flawlessly.
